Filztaschen, Platzsets Eierwärmer uvw. direkt vom Hersteller

Filztaschen, Platzsets Eierwärmer uvw. direkt vom Hersteller
Manufacturer of felt (bags, coasters & Co.)
The best ambassador of a brand is a product that presents itself as a helper for everyday use and is trendy at the same time. In addition to their high functionality and the feel-good character, products made of felt represent a contemporary material group that offers a multitude of possibilities, due to the simple processing.
Bags and backpacks for young and old, for shopping, for travel, for cosmetic items or simply as a storage option for family silver and cutlery. Felt is versatile, stable and offers protection against external influences.
The process of felting can be achieved through various processing methods, depending on the used base material and its origin. Walk fabrics as well as needle felt or press felt are used. Depending on the starting material, the material is processed using wet or dry felting processes.